Utility Tools for Tally

Utility Tools Available

Auto Backup Module

Auto Backup Module for Tally will ensure automatic backup of the Tally data on your harddisk. You can also store the data to google drive

AMC Warranty module

AMC Warranty module in Tally – is for management of visits done under AMC Contract. Warranty management is for Product Warranty Expiry management

Credit Control module

Credit Control module by Days and Amount in Tally. This will help users to control Outstanding while doing voucher entry.

Voucher Approval Module

Voucher Approval Module in Tally – entry will be effected to accounts only after Voucher has been approved by Admin/Management to avoid wrong entry to systems done.

Multi Company Ledger Statement

Multi Company Ledger Statement – get consolidated ledger statement for all company for a accounting ledgers.

Auto Receipt

Auto Receipt while Sales Invoice- this can be useful for small retailers, who can directly make cash/bank receipt while making sales invoice from single entry.

Hide Purchase Cost

Hide Purchase Cost in Tally – so that users cannot know the purchase cost of the product

Bulk Expense Entries

Bulk Expense Entries – Is for making faster entries at the month/year end for all cash expenses vouchers

Cost Center and Cost Categorywise

Cost Center and Cost Categorywise Trial Balance,Balance Sheet, and Profit & Loss Report

Outstanding Reminder

Outstanding Reminders directly send from Tally

Multi Description in Stock Item Master

Multi Description in Stock Item Master so that Multiple Description lines can come at the time of voucher entry/printing.

Detailed Balance Sheet

Detailed Trial Balance and Balance Sheet and P&L with all ledgers

Controls On Audited Vouchers

Controls On Audited Vouchers will help control users not to edit/change vouchers which are Audited

Duplicate Purchase Bill Blocking

Duplicate Purchase Bill Blocking will control not to allow same bill no reentry

Reminder System over due

Reminder System Over Overdue Receivables is to get reminders for the payments outstanding

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