Tally Prime
Introducing the latest version of Tally – Tally Prime. It is not just another latest version of Tally but a complete revolution in how Tally looks and works. Until Tally version 6.6.4, Tally made changes in the features, statutory compliance, fixing issues in the software etc.
Tally Prime is the next generation Tally that not only works as per the present requirements of businesses but also looks and works with a better Tally user interface. Tally Solutions has given a complete makeover for Tally by not just changing its name from Tally ERP 9 to Tally Prime but has also changed how the software works.

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Features & Benefits
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You must have valid TSS Renewal of Tally Software to get Tally Prime
Tally PRIME Gold
For multiple PCs on LAN environment- +18% GST (INR 9,720)
- Multiple Users Edition
- Windows XP+ Supported
- Perpetual
- Web-Based
- Multiple Languages Available
- GST Invoice
- Remote Access Users
For Standalone PCs- +18% GST (INR 3,240)
- Single User Edition
- Windows XP+ Supported
- Perpetual
- Web-Based
- Multiple Languages Available
- GST Invoice
- Remote Access User
Need Help?
This might help you understanding it properly
What is TVU?
TVU is Tally Virtual User. According to a new policy by Tally Solutions, every Tally virtual user i.e. any Tally user using Tally through either Cloud, RDP, Citrix and similar technologies, must be using the Tally Virtual license.
It is important for every Tally user to contact their Tally Service provider and get the license as soon as possible. If your requirement exceeds the above mentioned entitlement, then you can purchase additional TVU packs from Whizkid Computers. This policy is applicable from 1st of July’2020 and is applicable to all Tally existing virtual users as well as customers planning to purchase tally virtual technologies and also for potential Tally users.
I’m already using Tally on cloud should I be concerned about TVU?
Tally Virtual License is for all virtual users. The ones who have already purchased cloud and similar technologies as well as the customers who will be buying in the future
When is the last day for purchasing TVU?
For customers already using Tally in a virtual environment – The transition of Tally.ERP 9 to Tally Virtual License needs to be initiated before 31st July, 2020
What is Tally Virtualisation?
Tally virtualisation is the process of creating a virtual environment, through which multiple Tally users can access real-time data from different locations
How do I calculate how many Tally Virtual Packs I need?
The number of Tally you open Virtual users in your organization is the number of Tally Virtual Users License you need to purchase
As a Tally.ERP 9 user, what are the benefits I will get from TVU License?
Tally Virtual License is for those Tally. ERP 9 users who are either using virtual tally either through cloud technology or similar technologies or are planning to go for Tally Virtualization
Is Tally Remote access and Tally Reports on browser part of TVU?
Tally Virtual License is an upgrade which is mandatory for all Tally. ERP 9 users using Tally virtually through cloud or Citrix and similar technologies.
Tally.NET Remote Access Capability and Tally Reports on Brower are not part of TVU pack, and these services continue to be part of TSS.